A Couple of Winners!
Back in May 2007 I had the pleasure of hanging around this
good lookin' guy - Equal Opportunity (better known as Opie,)
who belongs to my Loyal Nevada Chaperon.
Today I'm THRILLED to report that Opie
and my Chaperon's daughter just captured the title of

at the Arabian Horse Association's
Youth Nationals Championship Horse Show
held in Albuquerque, New Mexico on August 2, 2008!

Way to go Opie!
26 Bodacious Comments (so far) ~ Add Yours!:
What a gorgeous horse! How proud everyone looks. Congrats to all!
You are bodaciously brilliant!
Love your blog!
You don't happen to have a Sisterhood of that Traveling Bra?
Awesome! Congrats!
Amazing what good luck posing with a bra can bring.
I was worried for the Arabian when gazing upon the first action shot, but alas ... as someone who hath donned Olga across the brow, I remembereth thine mesh is see-through. Dos equise equine!!!
>>>>> GALLOP >>>>>>>>> dunda da das da don da das dahhhhh daa!! >>>>>>> MORE Galloping >>>>>> Arabians say, "TROT" 8~)
This message brought to you by the Arabian Hollydalen Foundation for da Horses
you and opie are a stunningly beautiful pair!! :)
WTG Opie and Chaperon's daughter :-)
Love horses ... but their heads are so hard and their teeth do hurt !
p.s.s how is your trans Atlantic flight going?? How is the in flight entertainment??
Yay Opie!
That's terrific!
I have to say though, Opie was already a winner....any horse who has taken Olga for a ride has it made!
Congrats! And such a beauty of a horse too! :)
Oh! Thats so great Congrats to Opie
That's handsome horse.;) And congratulations to your pretty friend.:)
:D !!!!
When Olga gets to Paradise and if everything works out right in terms of timing and stuff... I'll try to get her to the RCMP horse stables... but they may be in tour... so away or I wont be able to make it cause of work... but I will try
I wondered who that was galloping a horse down I 25 I thought it was the lone ranger till I noticed the horse had a mask..or at least it looked like a mask..wait a minute maybe it was a bra..
Congrats! They make quite the team-
Congratulations to Opie and his pals. Talk about blinders on. Great photo. What a sweet babi and rider.
YEAAAHHH!!!!! Congrats to the both of them :D !!!
Opie sure is one beautiful horse!
Looking at the world with bra coloured glasses clearly brings good luck ;)
Congrats to all!
I didn't notice the horse with the beautiful babes and baby.
Yay for Opie!
Hi Olga!
I tagged you on my blog:
Hope to see you there!
WOOHOO! Way to go Opie!
gahahahahaaa ...i think you juz invented a whole new 'Horsey Blinders line' !!! better fit, support, fashionista colours, and can handle from a trot to a full gallop ..hahahaha..
Hey Olga! How have you been? I have got something for you on my blog.:)
Congrats to all!! :)
Beautiful horse.
Knock knock knock
Olga Olga bra be Bloggin soon??
HiyahiyahiyaHiyahiyahiya, HiyahiyahiyaHiyahiyahiya, HiyahiyahiyaHiyahiyahiya.
HELLO and THANK YOU to everyone for stopping by and congratulating Opie and his owners on their exciting win! :)
And can you believe that Opie was very, very ill only 24 hours prior to the show & not even sure he'd be able to participate!?? What a guy! Make this ol' bra SO very PROUD! :)
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