TA-TA! (for now) England!
Farewell Sweet Willy...
...'twas a real pleasure getting to know you
Oh, and don't worry if you don't hear from me for about a week...my blog-mistress is taking another vacation somewhere up in them thar hills where there's NO internet (the big dummy)...so, in the meantime, why don't ya check out some of the FANTASTIC blogs on my blog-roll? Or just keep coming back here and checkin' out Claire's boobies...

(in a friendly, non-sex-toy kind of way, of course...)
and when I think of all the fun and mischief we've gotten
ourselves into over the past few weeks,
it just makes my cups well up and runneth over!



I'm REALLY gonna miss CLAIRE!
Thanks for the wonderful mammaries Claire...hanging out with you
was an absobloodyfuckinglutely amazing experience!
Pssst!...after you're done oogling these pictures of me,
Oh, and don't worry if you don't hear from me for about a week...my blog-mistress is taking another vacation somewhere up in them thar hills where there's NO internet (the big dummy)...so, in the meantime, why don't ya check out some of the FANTASTIC blogs on my blog-roll? Or just keep coming back here and checkin' out Claire's boobies...
I'll leave 'em up for ya!
( . )( . )
17 Bodacious Comments (so far) ~ Add Yours!:
...... and she's wearing some 'lippy'....... so pleased she made an effort.
Safe travels Olga ..... and good luck in Canadialand!
& Claire came across as such a quiet girl when I met her too... well, well, well ;-)
you have certainly had an adventure over in Blighty... safe journey across the pond xoxo
Yes I am wearing some lippy, just for you Daddy P :)
Claire is a quiet girl!
I had a great time with you! As you can see in the photographs :)
Oh my gosh. After all that, I wonder if Canadialand can compare?
I do promise though... NO ONE will use Olga as a G-string.
CHECK IT OUT! All my British Chaperons here in a row AND my next one too! :)
Thanks DaddyP - Lippy? Funny...I hadn't noticed her lips!?!
70's - Blighty? Dear God, I hope I understand Canadian better than I do British! ;) (Thanks sweetie)
Claire - Now THAT I understand!Mmmmmmm-wah!
Fracas!!! - Get the Woolite ready!
Here I come!!!
PS: Fracas - how do you know someone hasn't already??!
Like I said...get the Woolite ready, OK?!?
I don't think Saskatchewan is ready for Olga.
I enjoyed the visit with Claire! And she looks fine wearing Olga too. I'm not doing that when she visits me, just letting ya know now! :)
Oooooh here's another future Chaperon!
Well, no promises Drowsey...we'll just have to wait & see what happens when I get my hands on you! And visa versa! :)
Is Sasquatch from Saskatchewan?
I dunno Jeanna...???...and I hope I don't find out!!! :O
Bon Voyageee!!! Don be bringing any funny stuff cross the boarder.
Nice lippee Claire .... "smashing"
Dear Blighty is another name for England ....
Just wait for Claire to hit the US she has a dictionary of UK terms she is determined to shock the US with ... e.g rubber! (simply an eraser in the Uk ;))
um, wow. GO OLGA GO!
Claire was a lot of fun. We'll all miss her!
Aww thanks guys!
Life is not the same without Olga :(
and my head is cold.
You are too funny. Hope you're having fun in them thar hills. :)
Hi Speedy! I won't! (Not that you know of anyway!)
70's - Oh heaven help Claire! AND the USA! :)
Wishful - Um, I know. And I'm gone!!!
Claire - Me too! :(
Meleah - Smokin' like a chimney! Or somethin' like that....
Hi Grandy - Them thar hills are OK, but they can't compare to Claires!
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