Keeping the World Abreast of All My Exciting Globe-Trotting Adventures!
If you're wondering - What's a Traveling Bra?!? Then please visit my website where you will find my entire Amazing & 100% True Story. Here on my blog, you'll find all of my photos & stories from wherever life (& FedEx) leads me on my pioneering journey around the world ~
I hope you'll come back often to stay abreast of all my exciting globe-trotting adventures...
because ya just never know WHERE I'll pop up next!
My Amazing Journey ~ (so far...)
Take a Peek...
And if you like what you
see here....Just wait 'til you see
My Pal Drowsey Monkey is not only one of my favorite bloggers and an all around terrific she is celebrating her ONE YEAR BLOG-IVERSARY! Woo-Hoo!!!
Please click HERE to read this post and it's susequent updates on My Blog Overfloweth Page!
Olga - OMG, can you imagine finding a basket of THOSE clams at the Farmer's Market? Talk about your torpedos! Holy Moly! You'd have to blindfold Drowsey before letting her walk by those bad boys.
I love the fact that she originally wanted to make Drowsy and Monkey travel around the world. Then she met you! Great tribute Olga. I'm constantly amazed at the typing dexterity and incredible vocabulary of a simple (but lacy) bra.
Thanks OMyLisa! I constantly amaze myself as a matter of fact...but really, it's the blogosphere that so amazing...where else, HOW else would so many different, interesting people hook up and become friends? :) ~Olga
Yay, Drowsey! Olga- I emailed you. I was late with my post as I misunderstood the deadline-- it's on Of Cabbages and Kings here:
And not on The Thrift Shop Romantic. I didn't want Drowsey to think I was neglecting her!! :)
You have collected some wonderful memories here.:) And sowwie for the goof up, I was over excited about the whole thing that I posted some 10 hours earlier. But how could have Dorowsey's blogiversary ended without any confusion? lol
What a wonderful friend you are Olga. DrowseyMonkey is a joy and Happy First Anniversary to you. The pair of you help the world turn round. Enjoy your weekend. Cheers!
omg olga! you and drowsey crack me up! I have to admit to eavesdropping on twitter and reading your banter in comments because you're like the best comedy routine EVER! :) please know, i stalk you both only because I heart you! ;)
This was such a super idea Olga! I cannot think of anyone else that is a nicer person than Drowsey. Speedy has a soft spot in his heart for that girl :-)
SPEEDY!! If I remember correctly it was YOU who planted this little germ of an idea in my cups! :) We make a pretty darn good team if I do say so myself! AND I DO!!! xoxoxo ~Olga
Babs - Don't know!!! But Claire & I think it might have something to do with either The Clam or Vincent! Maybe BOTH! :O (She better wake up & defend herself soon! LOL!) ~Olga
OMG!!! I got here by way of TwentyFour at Heart, to Nanny Goats in Panties and then the Penguin comment, and penis curioustiy.... and find my OWN bloggie invited to the party! YIPEEE, what a surprise. Happy blog-iversary Drowsey!!
43 Bodacious Comments (so far) ~ Add Yours!:
I'm crying! lol
OMG ... I really am speechless ... and crying.
You're such a sweetie, thank you for that. I had no idea you were sneaking around the blogsphere planing this. :)
{hugs} from a non-hugger ;)
Okay, I've pulled myself together.
You know that photo is traumatizing to me...and it gives me penis nightmares! LOL
That will definitely keep me awake.
Well, I've been surfing around and reading, and crying & laughing, LOL. Thanks again Olga!
And thanks to Jack who I see left a msg here :) "Omnipotent powers of communication"! Wow ... now only Jack could come up with that! LOL Thank you!!
Oh Drowsey - You deserve all this and MORE! :) Just don't ever quit blogging OK?
Glad you like the clam....I picked it 'specially with you in mind!
OMG, Drowsey Monkey warned us about th penis nightmares, and then I forgot about it by the time I got here and THERE IT WAS - AUGHHG!!!
This was a very nice post about Drowsey. You did a very cool thing here.
Nanny Goats - Ya know...if you sauteed up some squash blossoms & torpedo onions with that would probably make a very tasty dish! ;)
Oh - it's the 2nd today is it? - whoops.
[You is a good buddy Olga, Drowsey doesn't deserve you - tee hee]
Okay, I'm back ... again, LOL. I was just re-reading the posts you linked here ... omg...LOL. I'm laughing.
Shoes, orgasams & chickens (yes I know I spelled it wrong again)!!! We're weird!
Olga - OMG, can you imagine finding a basket of THOSE clams at the Farmer's Market? Talk about your torpedos! Holy Moly! You'd have to blindfold Drowsey before letting her walk by those bad boys.
Oh yes she does DaddyP! And I her! :)
Drowsey - THAT was a CLASSIC post! You werido you!
Nanny Goats! HAHAHA! Oh but what a GREAT blog post it would make!
lol ... NGIP ... you think people were looking at you funny taking photos of onions! HA!
Now, I'm getting an interesting visual here. 2 onions, 1 clam ...
Hey! It's art! Not nasty. We could even name him Art. Arthur.
Okay, I'm officially over-tired! :)
But what about the squash blossoms? Where do they factor in????
I love the fact that she originally wanted to make Drowsy and Monkey travel around the world. Then she met you! Great tribute Olga. I'm constantly amazed at the typing dexterity and incredible vocabulary of a simple (but lacy) bra.
Thanks OMyLisa! I constantly amaze myself as a matter of fact...but really, it's the blogosphere that so amazing...where else, HOW else would so many different, interesting people hook up and become friends? :)
hi olga ~
i visited speedy's and your buddy drowsy monkey tonight. so nice of you to do this for her, beany :)
Good job with organizing the global party. Thanks for including me.
It is still the 2nd, right? Only I feel like I've missed the festivities!
There's a post over at mine now!
Olga, you are such a great friend to have organized this. Thanks for all the support and the many smiles.
Olga, Thanks for including me on Drowsey's special day. As for the penis photo...well thanks for reminding me what one of those things look like. :-(
I'm delighted to partake! Fabulous idea of which DM is fabulously deserving! I love parties :o)
Great idea Olga. Drowsey is one of my favs and deserves a party like this. Thanks for putting it together. You're a good friend :-)
Yay, Drowsey! Olga- I emailed you. I was late with my post as I misunderstood the deadline-- it's on Of Cabbages and Kings here:
And not on The Thrift Shop Romantic. I didn't want Drowsey to think I was neglecting her!! :)
WOOT!! Bloggiversary!! YAY!
You have collected some wonderful memories here.:) And sowwie for the goof up, I was over excited about the whole thing that I posted some 10 hours earlier. But how could have Dorowsey's blogiversary ended without any confusion? lol
I was so busy going through the link list, I almost forgot to comment here ;O)
This was a great idea, and has made great reading. I've no doubt it made Drowsey's day - or night ;O) I don't know about the clam though!!!
wtg DM I have posted something for you over at 70s xx
Excellent turn out!
I wonder if she is still crying?
Beany - THANKS for stopping by - Drowsey is AWESOME!
THANKS for being a good friend HM - even if you STILL prefer the braless look!
You're not late Jay - I added ya to "The List!" Thanks!
Lauren - Glad to have jiggled your mammary, er, I mean memory!
Karen - I got your post listed now too - thanks!
Jeff - You're welcome! Drowsey ROCKS!
Jenn - I love your post!!! Added ya to "The List"!
Scratchy - As far as anyone was alllllll part of our Master Plan! ;)
Babs - That was a beautiful drawing you did of Drowsey - you're very talented! And I know she loves it!
Woo-Hoo 70' right over!
Claire - Hopefully!!!! :) Great Ode To Drowsey on your blog! HAHAHA!
WoW - Thanks EVERYONE!
What a wonderful friend you are Olga. DrowseyMonkey is a joy and Happy First Anniversary to you. The pair of you help the world turn round. Enjoy your weekend. Cheers!
"Sleeping Kitten - Dancing Dog!"
omg olga! you and drowsey crack me up! I have to admit to eavesdropping on twitter and reading your banter in comments because you're like the best comedy routine EVER! :) please know, i stalk you both only because I heart you! ;)
Aw gee Theresa - You are very kind! :) Drowsey's a great pla & I feel fortunate to know her like I do!
aka Sandy - I gotta admit - Drowsey brings out my inner goofball! So, stalk away! :)
This was such a super idea Olga! I cannot think of anyone else that is a nicer person than Drowsey. Speedy has a soft spot in his heart for that girl :-)
Poke it once ... it really is soft there (smile)
SPEEDY!! If I remember correctly it was YOU who planted this little germ of an idea in my cups! :) We make a pretty darn good team if I do say so myself! AND I DO!!!
Where is Drowsey?
Thanks for organizing this for Drowsey Monkey! I was more than happy to participate! Happy birthday to Drowsey Monkey! :-)
Babs - Don't know!!! But Claire & I think it might have something to do with either The Clam or Vincent!
Maybe BOTH! :O (She better wake up & defend herself soon! LOL!)
Julie - I updated your link & THANKS!!!
Speaking of Willies, were your DD cups happy clamming for the geoduck? ;~))
Thank you for inviting me to Olga's and Speedy's Surprise Par-TAY! :~)
Happy Blogoversary, Drowsey Monkey!
HEEHEE ... I'm tired from all the calming last night, I mean ... reading ... yes I was at the library reading.
Anyway ... :)
Thank you all for this spectacular party!!! I'm still trying to catch up and read everyone's blogs!
Thank goodness it's a long weekend! :)
OMG!!! I got here by way of TwentyFour at Heart, to Nanny Goats in Panties and then the Penguin comment, and penis curioustiy.... and find my OWN bloggie invited to the party! YIPEEE, what a surprise.
Happy blog-iversary Drowsey!!
Miss MP - Actually, my blog-mistress HAS clammed for those frickin things before! Explains a few things, eh?
Oh well look who showed UP! Hi ya Drowsey! :) Looking very "Martha-ish" today! LOL! I think you need another drink or 5!
WWTI - Well...paradise is a state of mind after all! Welcome to MY weird little corner of the world!
I love DM. Im glad she was so surprised today for her 1st blog birthday.
Meleah - She was VERY surprised! It's been very fun! Thanks for participating! :)
That's some, um, clam. That is a clam, right? It kind of looks like...not that I'm all that experienced, but...nevermind...
Happy anniversary Drowsey!!!!
Are sure this post was not about really huge (and flacid) penisses? or what's that pic at the end of the post?
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