Olga Needs...
So...Mimi, (aka: the Queen of Meme's) of Mimi Writes
tagged me with The Needs Meme...
which produced some verrrry interesting results...

Click HERE to read all about what OLGA NEEDS!!!
(But don't click the picture unless you are a
totally mature adult...'cuz it says so.)
16 Bodacious Comments (so far) ~ Add Yours!:
That's me left in the dark then .... oh well
Some bras have all the luck....
DP - Have you thought about taking off the box then? Or at least some decent eye holes?
Yeah, I know Wishful...I'm one lucky bra'wd!
I knew it. I'll have to take you to Dollywood and the Mouse's Ear now.
wickedly sensational poster ... who did? ...who did'd it ???
...peace mz OOlga'z
omg... those were too funny! Stop shedding!
YES you WILL Diva! I have my heart set on checking out Dollywood!
jOolZ!!!...WHAT?!?....You clicked on the poster?!? That's 'spose to be only for totally mature adults!
Drowsey - I'm trying! Really I am....I think I need more oats.
I will be doing the '70s' needs over the weekend ;-)
Well...IS Olga a "menace to men?"
Oh to have such a moniker!
70's needs.....oh, this ought be GOOD!
OMyLisa - Moi? A menace to men? Hmmmm.....I sure HOPE not!
Ohhh crap ... I know better, but here I go
(laughing) :-)
.... and I saw that comment about my cat
Your hairless one Speedy????
he heee
I am so glad my computer is not broken - I really thought it was. WHEWW!!!!
Me too Speedy!!!! - that would pretty much be the end of the blogosphere as we know it!
Poor Spike...growing it all back out can be such a pain!
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