Bustin' Out With The Beatles In Liverpool, England
After taking her bloody sweet time springing me from the clutches of the Evil Frickin Bra-Nappers, my Chaperon, Claire took me out to celeBRAte with The Beatles in Liverpool!
First stop - The Cavern Pub!

And looky who was just waiting for me to arrive!
When I saw him standing there...
well the way he looked was way beyond compare...
('specially with ME hanging 'round his neck!)

Freedom (and beer) never tasted SO good!
Ob-la-di Ob-la-da life goes on bra!
Here I am checking out The Boys when they were just wee lads...

...and here they are checking me out too!

Then we took a little walk around Matthew Street - here I am adorning the Liverpool Wall of Fame which features a disc for every Liverpool group that had a number one hit!
My personal favorite Beatles hit is "Carry That Weight" with
"Hold Me Tight" a close second...

Penny Lane is in my ears and in my eyes straps and cups

and it's Strawberry Fields Forever...
Thanks for the magical tour of Liverpool, Claire!

I "Heart" You!
*CLICK HERE to see the video Claire made of our Liverpool adventure!
29 Bodacious Comments (so far) ~ Add Yours!:
You clever sod adding that in!
I think you've been in England long enough Olga - your language is reaching gutter level and the amount of drink! Get out quickly before you become a ladette!!!!
Claire - Being a clever sod a good thing I hope? ;) I'm so confused...
Daddy P - I just Googled "ladette" and...OMG!...you're RIGHT!...I gotta get outta here!
Yes a clever sod is a good thing :)
I meant the graffiti by the way.
You are a right braette!
my son would be seething with jealousy. You are so lucky.
One of these years I am going to take my son on that LiverPool Beatles tour extraveganza.
Claire - Phew! I'm never quite sure...
Well, now WE are immortalized at Strawberry Fields...forever!
Meleah - Yeah yeah yeah...same with my blog-mistress's daughter! She LOVES The Beatles....
I am available for hire...
As a tour guide!
I would love to take you all on a tour, no wearing fanny packs though!
HA! - How about bras on everyone's heads?!?!?
Phew ... so glad she's finally un-napped! And is out & about in jolly ol' England :)
Me too Drowsey...ME TOO!!!
Oh Good to have you back. John Lennon is my favourite from the Band. Did you notice that you have 100 Feed readers now. I am becoming 101st to start your journey for your second century.
BRAye BRAye!:)
I totally need to get hold of Claire to find out the cool stuff to do in London when I'm there in October!!!
I feel so out of the loop...how did people live before the internet?!?
Looks like you're having a grand time! Tie one on for me across the pond!
Scratchy - Oh you are SO sweet! Glad to have you as a subscriber! (I'm already subscribed to yours!)
Diva - Oh you definitely should try and hook up with Claire! Just watch out for The Willy's...YIKES!
Woo-Hoo! Nice to see you Rev! Well, your neck anyway....love the neck. And I DON'T know how people lived before the internet...but I know my blog-mistress's house was definitely cleaner!
Olga you rock! You hang out in all the best places! :)
Olga, I love how you perk up whenever in a pub. And you never look cheap whilst downing a pint. I should have taken notes from you while I had you. I'm hoping to plan a trip to China. Perhaps you can learn me some lady-like techniques then...tell your blog mistress to email me her address again, please. I'm WAY overdue in sending something. Gracias.
Glad to be back! And anxious to finally meet you- in real life, that is! ;)
I cannot even tell you how jealous I am. That is AWESOME. When you and Olga return would you kindly do this meme?
You've been royally tagged by Mimi Queen of Memes (aka I-hear-the-dungeon-is-really-hot-this-time-of-year)...
Somebody Get Me Out Of This Corset: The Needs Meme
I am especially fond of the last grafitti picture ... NICE!!
everyone loves Olga, even Cats :-)
Mimi is throwin me in the dungeon ... "and I like it
Hi Sandy - Wel....I get by with a little help from my friends!
Thanks Wishful - China, eh?!? Maybe you will need a Bodacious Chaperon??? Will send email right away! xoxo
ME TOO Rev! :) I'm looking foward to some BBQ & BLUES!!! Holy Man Style!
Mimi - A MEME!?!? Arrrggggg!!!!! Well, OK...I don't wanna go to the Dungeon. Unless it's Lord Likely's Love Dungeon, of course.
Thanks Speedy! :) I'm glad you're not pooped anymore!
xoxoxxoxoxoxoxoxo to everyone!
Did the Beatles "Long and Winding Road" lead you back? ;~)
It always does Miss MP! It always does.....
juzzz as yOO, and well, i say: ¡¡¡BOdaciOus!!!
...mammoth adventura'z...
Very cool indeed. Wouldn't it be lovely to be Beatlenapped by Ringo?
jOolz...I have no idea what you just said....but still it makes me grin! :)
Jeanna - I think that would have been a much nicer scenario than Dr. Evil & Fat Bastard! Next bra-napping, YOU'RE in charge!
Now that looks like serious fun! I'm jealous now, and rightfully so 'eh ;)
So here I am, a mad Beatles fan and a Brit, and I have NEVER EVEN BEEN TO LIVERPOOL!
I did see them live on stage when I was 10, though...
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