Great. After taking a relaxing week off, I return to the blogosphere only to find that Olga has yet to reach her
next destination! Apparently, Claire entrusted her mother (aka: the mumborg) to mail Olga to Fracas in Saskatchewan. Hey, I understand Saskatchewan isn't the easiest word to it anywhere remotely close to....Uzbekistan?!?
NOT TO WORRY! (Well, OK, maybe just a little.) Olga's a big bra and can handle herself (and then some) quite nicely under pressure. (So far.) Just stay tuned (and say a little prayer for Olga)...ya just never know WHERE that dang bra is gonna pop up next!

NOT TO WORRY! (Well, OK, maybe just a little.) Olga's a big bra and can handle herself (and then some) quite nicely under pressure. (So far.) Just stay tuned (and say a little prayer for Olga)...ya just never know WHERE that dang bra is gonna pop up next!
~Olga's Blog-Mistress
25 Bodacious Comments (so far) ~ Add Yours!:
Is that really true?? Wholly double holstered gun slingers!
So ... what cha doin there?? :-)
I bet you could ride a DOUBLE humper camel pretty well. HiYhaaa!!
Keep the sand out your underwire and keep reaching for the stars.
(and FEDEX planes)
Olga can handle a lot of things ..... as I discovered.
I have also discovered one reason why Olga will be fine ..... all to be revealed soonish ......
Claire has been acting more odd than usual lately. Some kind of Olga withdrawal. She's even taken to wearing her on her head non-stop! Maybe she never really left England!?
That's the power of Olga ... she can push some people over the edge.
LOL Saskatchewan-Uzbekistan. Holy buggery try saying that 10 times fast!
Next thing ya know, we'll see Borat come out with Olga on. He is from Kazakhstan, neighbor to Uzbekistan after all.
Aw Speedy - Thanks for the uplifting support! I'm still pretty much in the dark as to my exact whereabouts...but rest assured I'm O-K. A little smooshed, but OK!
DaddyP - YNot only will I be fine...I AM fine!...all the time! :) But you already knew that, eh?
Drowsey - Well, Claire did become very attached to me...I think she may need some counseling. Poor sweet innocent little thing. ;)
Catatonickid - I can't even say it ONCE!
RedBeard - Borat?!? THAT could be a very exciting adventure!
~Olga, the Traveling (but not sure where) Bra
Wonders how annoyed Olga would be if she knew she was stuffed in my wardrobe?
Just wondering.
Um...I am nervous. I hope Olga shows up somewhere soon!
Claire - And I wonder how annoyed you would be to find all your knickers tied up in a knot!!?
Meleah - I'm thinking it might be to add a GPS device to my Traveling Lingerie Bag!
I don't know where Olga is, but I have something for you on my blog today :)
Drowsey - I hope it's something to eat! I'm starving!!!!
Goodnight dear Olga ... wherever you are. (sigh)
G'Night Sweet Speedy...wherever I am. (Double sigh)
I'm sure there will be a happy ending to this saga!
Next time you turn on the news camels will be sporting bodacious black bras.
Yes! Olga really needs a GPS device attached to her at all times.
What with the kidnapping and now with her missing? This is to much to handle
It's really close to Beegtatasitan, DDcupistan, Mongobreastistan and Uzgotzumbigonezistan. All in that neighborhood, at least.
OMYLISA!!! At least I know I'll fit in! HahahahahaahahHAHA! You silly girl you! xoxo
Meleah - Tell me about it...what's the world coming to when you can't keep track of your bra?!?!
Jeanna - Only the double humped camels! :)
Catscratch - Let's hope so! I wanna see Dollywood!!!
If you're here and Olga is lost somewhere over there than who is supporting your bouncing DDs?
Having two fraccy children 18 and over, I've gotten used to naughty behaviour. I've left the porch light on for Olga since I had a feeling she got used to living life a little on the wild side over across the pond.
MissMP - Thanks for your concern...but my breasts split the sheets with Olga a long time ago! Don't worry - it's OK...we don't hold anything against each other. Anymore.
~The Blog-Mistress
PS: The answer to your question is Victoria. (Shhhh - it's a secret!)
Fracas - That damn bra of mine is starting to make me look bad! I think she's gonna need a good YANK when you finally lay your hands on her!
~The Blog-Mistress
PS: I'm calling in the reserves...all the way from GREECE! Stay tuned....
WHAT???????? I wash my hands of this information.
he hee
I'm not sure how reliable this information is, but I got a mysterious email within the past day. More clues are at fracas... the link is at the end of the comments.
Speedy - Please don't go....Olga's missing & I NEED YOUR SUPPORT! ;)
Fracas - If what your "source" says is true - Olga might need to start looking for a new Blog-Mistress! Damn Bra...she's really starting to piss me off!
~The Blog-Mistress
Wow! This bra has really had a well lived life of experiences and culture enrichment! The bra has seen more than me ha ha ha. Who won't be jealous about the free-spirit this bra owns? I'll take it as an example and free myself a little more.
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