Dimitrios, the Famous Greek Bra Detective
Sylvie at FuelMyBlog has graciously sent me
Dimitrios, the famous Greek Bra Detective,
to help find Olga!
(Actually he was another great prize I won from this contest at Fuel My Blog!)

Sure, he's cute in that little skirt...and ya gotta love the tassel...
but does he have what it takes to uncover the truth about
Olga's mysterious (& getting a bit old if ya ask me) disappearance?
Or, has he met his match with our bodacioius little wayward traveling bra?
Watch the video and tell me what YOU think!
~Olga's Blog-Mistress
32 Bodacious Comments (so far) ~ Add Yours!:
I'd think the outfit might blow any under cover work.
At long last...I started to wonder if our friend would make it on the other side of the pond...Olga we will be so pleased!!!
Jeanna - Speaking of undercover...those tights he has on are really tight!
Sylvie - Olga will be THRILLED to meet Dimitrios! Ever since her encounter with Evil Willy, she's had a "thing" for moustaches! But not sure she'll like the tights...
~The Blog-Mistress
I think Dimitrios will find you, He better find you.
The song in this video cracks me up!
Some of those pictures brought a tear to my eye ....... and Gertrude's ......
Meleah - Dimitrios is a very thorough detective...he's currently interrogating all the bras in my underwear drawer...
DaddyP - Seein's Olga STILL doesn't have her eyeballs, talking about YOUR and Gertrude's eyes really isn't very polite. But under the circumstances, I forgive you.
~Olga's Blog-Mistress
wow, no offense dimitrious, but you look like you might know about bras first hand. perhaps you are the perfect person for the job of finding olga?
I hope he finds her soon. We should contact INTERPOL, or NATO, or at least NASCAR.
ChatBlanc - Dimitrios does have a certain "style" doesn't he? Hey, whatever floats his boat - I don't care, as long as he finds Olga!
Good point OldMan! Where's NASCAR when you need 'em anyway?!?!?
~The Blog-Mistress
A man in sexy tights and a skirt can solve any crisis.
Catscratch - Really?...it's been my experience that they're usually the ones starting the crisis! But I hope you're right!
~The Blog-Mistress
That twas hilarious.
I was mesmerised by my own boobs.
But Dimitrios wasn't exactly much help.
Not yet he isn't Claire...(poor guy - your boobs really bowled him over!)....but I have faith that, in time, (& maybe a few more shots of Ouzo) ALL shall be revealed!
It's my first visit to your site...
Hi Olga! I loved your little detective. She is so stylish, but I think she really needs to get out in the world and look. But I guess she is stull in the preliminary clue gathering stage! Good luck Dimitrios! :)
I knew Olga would never be the same after being so close to Clur's boobies.
Hey, that music made me wanna yell out "ha!" and get up and dance, "HA!"
you know, super heros wear often wear tights! does Dimitrious have some special powers that will help find Olga?
Hi PegLegStarfish - You mean....Dimitrios is a girl?!?!? Whoooops! ;)
Drowsey - Me too!!! I've been HA-HAing ALL DAY! HA! HA! HA!!!
Char Blanc - You mean like x-ray vision?....YIKES!...THAT explains why the little bugger won't stop staring at my shirt!
~Olga's Blog-Mistress
I would recommend releasing Dimitrios from his plastic bag first, m'dear! The poor fellow may suffocate to death before he even begins his investigation!
It Is Just An Amazing Story ... Speedy
Lord Likely - Dimitrios is out of the bag and hot on Olga's trail!
You Know It Speedy! :)
~Olga's Blog-Mistress
Is Olga trapped in a bottle of Ouzo?
Alas... I knew Claire's boobs would somehow, cause more trouble.
I've got help.
Olga will be found.
(And I may consider sending her to the convent for a "vacation".)
I'm a bit offended that you didn't even ask before using my outfit for clothing that little guy...
Bravo!!! This blob be so much more fun when I am at home on a computer. That video was whacky silly, and I LIKED IT!!!!!
I am a movie star fembotic commenting blogger? Well, my Mum will be double goody proud of old Speedcat ..... (smile)
Dimitrios, the famous Greek Bra Detective should get some fainting spell hypnotherapy, and then marry Olga. That would be one coolio wedding. Maybe I could finally get a dance with Drowsey .... ifn' I am invited.
I have a Dimitrianna Blogging Detective lookin fer KIKINS!!!
Ha haaaaa!!!!!!!!!
I'm so glad I can actually watch this madness now 8~)
this "blog" .... he hee
This blog ...
cries every night ...
for you ....
Did Dimitrios lead the Russian invasion of Georgia to rescue Olga? ;~))
Jeanna - Nope...we drained that bottle. She wasn't there. ;)
Fracas - YES! Get thee to a nunnery Olga! And quick!
Ummm, more revelations to share with us Rev?!? A-hem.
Actually Speedy - I prefer blob. At least tonight...blob just seems more better.
Olga's Weary Blog-Mistress
Miss MP - I dunno?!! I'll ask him when he returns from the store with another bottle of ouzo.
Lurved the muzicc!! and the handwriting was the breast! Wooo wat is rong wid ma spelings. oopps!!U fine Miss Mistres and Olga?
Okay, I think I might be up to speed again. LOL
He's new ... okay, I feel better now. Thought maybe I missed something...which is very plausible.
Scratchy - We bee fyn...butt...eye am wurried aowt YOO?!?
Drowsey - I knew you'd figure it out! Now get some sleep!
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