Bad News For Olga....
This just in!
Claire just got off the phone with the Frickin Evil Bra Nappers...

My Fembots are not a threat!
(Not even the scary Speedy-Fembot... scroll down)
Poor Olga!...Will this nightmare ever end?!?!?
And...where is the hell is Willy?!?
47 Bodacious Comments (so far) ~ Add Yours!:
It's too early for me to laugh this hard! Puhlease!
I am no threat??? Ohhhh I am angry!! I am going to step it up a notc ..... why is my chest jigglin` all over
It's hard to take speedy fembot seriously as a threat in pink panties.
Anyhoo...I'm off to listen to the phone msg. At least I didn't have to wait until 3am for this post!
Okayyyyyy ... now I'm more worried about Clair than Olga. HAHAHA!
@ Drowsey ... so, have you ever kissed a girl with a beard in the pale moonlight ~ and liked it??
(fembot in hollydale)
It's never too early to laugh Kuanyin! :)
Speedy - I don't care what the Evil Bra-Nappers a FEMBOT, you are definitely a threat! :) But PLEASE leave your boobies alone and concentrate on finding Olga, OK?!!? (Jeesh, Fembots.)
Drowsey - I know...I'm surrounded by frickin' crazy people!!!!! (Ignore Speedy...he's not himself today)
~Olga's increasingly worried Blog-Mistress
LOL Speedy ... well ... there was a time at band camp ... but no .... I didn't like it ;)
You went to band camp Drowsey?
lol ... isn't that a line from a movie ... I'm trying to be hip with the pop culture.
"I am trying to be hip with the pop culture" Buh-wah-hahahahaha!
What - don't you know "there is nothing worse than an aging hipster?!?" Oh Gawd Drowsey....YES....American Pie! LOL!!!
I love you Drowsey, you know that!!! (In a non-sexual kind of way of course...)
LOL!!! OMG...
I do try.
Luv you too!!! And yes, let's keep it non-sexual ;)
I want to adopt Drowsey!
Claire - Drowsey is pretty cute, isn't she!? In a slightly confused, aging-wannabe-hip-hipster, polite, non-sexual kind of way!!! ;)
Well in Mork and Mindy folks get younger, so I could pretend she is from the planet Ork.
Nanu nanu.
Then I could turn her into a proper evil minion and eventually she could take over the world from me.
A-HA!...World Domination!...I KNEW you had another agenda besides Doodling silly pictures and making crazy videos!
Ummm, er....I mean studing to be a brilliant Counselor and taking breathtaking photos of all God's creations...
erm that was someone else typing, not me!
Someone or something must of hacked into my account, the bastards!
ahh haa!!!!!
Ahh-haa!!!...WHAT Speedy??!? Did YOU hack into Claire's account?
Oh God - I'm so confused....where's Drowsey when I need her?
... just got my fembotic ring off (smile)
Oh...but doesn't that diminish your Fembotic Powers, Speedy-Fembot?
sure, but now I can look at my hoots without guilt ...
ha haa!!!!!
Well Thank GOD for that! :) Have fun...
My last discussion with Speedy.. read down a bit
In Claire's last post( her phone call to them)I suggested that since Fat Bastard hasnt seen his Willy in a long time & thus declared dead... we offer him Evil Willy in exchange for Olga.
MSW - Excellent idea! I'll check with Claire (The Mastermind) and get back to ya. Fat Bastard needs an Evil Willy and Evil Willy, well...he really doesn't have much say in the matter! ;)
Keep shooting 'em straight & long! (Or whatever that saying is...)
"In a slightly confused, aging-wannabe-hip-hipster, polite, non-sexual kind of way!!! ;)"
LOL ... I'm gonna use that on my dating profile.
And ... is the speedy fembot wearing white powder on his face or is he just really pale?
... I was eatin` lots of jelly donuts with sugarrie toppins.
or as you say, DOUGHNuTZ :-)
Err.. this Dr. evil owns an ugly sphyx cat. GROSS! Can I abuse the BRA Nappers *&&$$&%*#*? How about exchanging the cute panties and Speedy's bow or may be the pink shoes! I wonder what tempts them.
No No I should not be laughing, this is serious.
He he he he. Ok Stop. All the best!
Drowsey - I think Speedy Fembot has several "issues"...pale face just being one of them! :)
Speedy - Careful - those donuts will go right to your thighs!
Scratchy - I wondered who'd be the first to comment on Dr. Evil's nekkid pussy...
What's happening? ..... I've been shaving my legs ...... and giving myself a chest rub [before I wake up]
Daddyp - Well, if you are enjoying it, I say keep at it...otherwise you can probably stop now. Sorry 'bout your head.
~Olga's Blog-Mistress
This sounds like a combination of a night mare and Hitchcock! I can't wait to lay my hands on Olga in October and comfort her :lol:
Spike!! Shaven ... not stirred.
0007 BondCat
Sounds good RennyBA!...maybe a hot tub too?
Oh Speedy....I do't know what to say! :)
And I do't know how to type eithr!
how abouts ... "make that a double, miss"
Why thank you Sir! Don't mind if I do! :)
Is Speedy Fembot's Mini Me strong enough to battle Fat Bastard's invisible Willy to defeat the Evil Bra Nappers??? :~)))
Miss MP: I don't know!!!....but I think that question just made Speedy Fembot's head EXPLODE!!!
he he hee(BANG!!!!!)
Speedy - You are lethal with your DSL! :)
I am choking on my own laughter. This is off the chain funny and alarming.
that was only the best / phone call video ever. Only second to a dancing speedy high on red bull and chicken.
People seem to think I know where Olga is?
I have been out all weekend looking for her, but alas nothing.
Not heard from Willy either.
Its almost like I spent the weekend getting drunk and forgot what planet I am meant to be on.
(Planet Ork with Drowsey is where I am meant to be, I adopted her)
I only hope Fat Bastard didn't roll you around in his fat rolls.
Will Olga hate me if I admit to LOVING this adventure? it can't be helped. thanks for the laughs - needed it!
Oh hey everyone...thanks your glad my MISFORTUNE was so frickin AMUSING to ya'll!!! ;) Seriously...really. I am. :) I'm a sturdy bra - I can handle it.
Jeez...I'm starting to think you guys think I'm making this all UP or something...
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