Saturday, May 31, 2008

Having a Drink with The Mayor - PETALUMA, California

This handsome gentleman is
The Mayor.Olga, the Traveling Bra hanging out with The Mayor in Petaluma
OK, well...not really. Actually, he's pretty much your Average Joe...but we've nicknamed him "The Mayor" because he seems to know EVERYONE in town (and visa versa)...just walking a few blocks down the street to go to dinner with him took us about 2 hours because we had to stop, chit-chat and hob-nob with every other person along the way! (I totally loved it.) Plus, he's quite charming...and took excellent care of me and my Chaperons whilst in Petaluma. He'd certainly get MY vote if he ran for Mayor. (And if bras could vote.)
He recently restored this old drinking fountain to working order
in downtown Petaluma. (Ain't it purty?)

Not that I have an alcohol problem or anything,
but I found the following information very interesting...Olga, the Traveling Bra on the WCTU Fountain, Petaluma, CA.
This concrete drinking fountain was erected in 1891 by the Women's Christian Temperance Union – an organization dedicated to banning the sale and drinking of alcohol. The members were urged to erect drinking fountains in their towns so that men could get a drink of water without entering saloons and staying for stronger drinks.
*No wonder it stopped working YEARS ago!! Looking Good Girls!  And Olga, the Traveling Bra.
Looking pretty good for being so old...Watch out!  The Mayor's gonna get ya! And it works like a charm!
Just ask The Mayor!

42 Bodacious Comments (so far) ~ Add Yours!:

Daddy Papersurfer said...

Olga, you are the font of all wisdom.

[I am not going to say a word about erections - no way - never - ever!!]

Anonymous said...

Daddy P, you read my dirty mind.

Petaluma! Brings back memories of when I worked there. I never met The Mayor though. Darn.

He might want to wear a Petaluma sweatshirt the next time he poses as The Mayor. He's giving Nevadans all that cred that they don't deserve. hehe

MYM said...

lol ... I love that fountain, wise words for sure :)

You're friends are a riot .. who else could have so much fun with a bra. Wait ... don't answer that ;)

Anonymous said...

hey I talked to that guy..the last time I was there..:))

Olga, the Traveling Bra said...

DaddyP - I wondered WHO'D be the first to comment my use of "erection." It was a toss-up between you and Lord Likely...possibly Drowsey...but YOU WIN! Now go have a drink, OK?

OMyLisa! - Well, The Mayor is popular in Nevada too. Maybe he should run for President?! No, wait - Speedy's already doing that.

Drowsey - (DANG! You're up EARLY!) Yes they are wise words...AND etched in stone too!

Olga, the Traveling Bra said...

Crusty - You did?!? What did he say? I bet you two could talk the feathers off a chicken! (Or something like that...)

Anonymous said...

He is a cutie patootie !!

In that last picture, give him some horns, and I could well imagine Mephistopheles (in a very genial moment).

Your blog mistress' friend looks like she's about to get a face full of water.

Olga, the Traveling Bra said...

MSW - Oh, there is a little bit o' devil in him, fer shur! ;)

Anonymous said...

My dear Olga, age has, if anything enhanced your loveliness, and that of your blog mistress as well.

Olga, the Traveling Bra said...

Ohhh my....flattery will get you everywhere ya know! ;)

Speedcat Hollydale said...

Bras can't vote??? What about the Bransononian Braclaimation signed in Hollydale 1892? Bras vote here all the time, an usually for the BREAST CANDIDATE!

Drinking fountains are filled with Hawaiian Punch, not water. That town is backwards. The Mayor can fix this though, I'm sure. Petaluma Pet a Llama Petacure Petition for bras to vote ... to vote ... to vote in the Bravidential Election.

Vot-a-bra foundation USA. section 7 postal code

Drowsey was watching DVD's

Olga, the Traveling Bra said...

Speedy (you big nut)...Heck yes, bras SHOULD get to VOTE! I mean, you'll be hard pressed to find a more loyal, hard-working or supportive bunch...I'll ask The Mayor to pen a Petaluma Pet a Llama Petacure Petition pronto! And fix the fountain...Hawaiian Punch sounds waaaay more fun than water!

The Rev. said...

Total abstinence, huh? I thought we'd pretty much figured out that solves very little these days...

I practice total abstinence from water fountains in general, but that's just because I'm a germ NUT.

Olga, the Traveling Bra said...

Hi Rev - Oh, but THIS fountain is so sparkly & clean! The Mayor makes sure of it! :)

And since your ARE a Reverend, can you please tell me...what's the difference between abstinence and TOTAL abstinence? A, ummm, friend wants to know....

Anonymous said...

Was Olga's Bra erected in 1891 to solve or create the alcohol problem? ;~)

Olga, the Traveling Bra said...

Miss MP - AGAIN!!!...we are on the same wave length...scarey, eh?

I'm not at liberty to disclothes the details about anything(s) being erected, but I can tell you that many times alcohol did have something to do with it. ;)

The Rev. said...

Not sure where my authority lies in this situation...I can safely say that TOTAL abstinence is certainly much more boring, though. ;)

Olga, the Traveling Bra said...

OK, you guys are killing me here...all this talk of erections and abstinence makes me wanna go jump in that fountain! Jeeeeezzz!

The Rev. said...

Go right ahead, but for my sake, give it a little wipe down beforehand...

Olga, the Traveling Bra said...

...and after...

Ya know, I seriously doubt anyone is drinking from that's located right outside a BAR!

The Rev. said...

Outside a bar? I'd be more concerned with other bodily functions than drinking if that's the case...

Olga, the Traveling Bra said...

YIKES!!! You're right! I'm not touching that thing now! Abstinence!!!

The Rev. said...

TOTAL abstinence perhaps? ;)

Olga, the Traveling Bra said...

but, then again....

Olga, the Traveling Bra said...

I might get thirsty....

Speedcat Hollydale said...

I'm here for last call at the water cooler ... can the Rev tell me the meaning of life? (so far, I think it is Walgreens)

Olga, lemmee try that water!!

Speedcat Hollydale said...

.. whew, I thought my monitor went black and white.

Olga, the Traveling Bra said...

Oh me & the Rev were just talkin' shop over a little holy water! ;)

Have a sip Speedy....

The Rev. said...

Meaning of life? Well, it's complicated. I suggest starting with Necco wafers, though, certainly.

Deadman said...

Did the cougars get to try you on?

Olga, the Traveling Bra said...

G'morning Rev - Ad good advice, as usual! :)

Deadman - Cougars? Nah, I didn't see any cougars. If you're referring to those 2 classy bra'wds in the photo however, then the answer is still no. ;)

Deadman said...

If you're referring to those 2 classy bra'wds

I was.
Hey, I think cougars are waaay classy!

BTW, I live one town over from Petaluma, in Cowtitty. Did you get their phone numbers?

Olga, the Traveling Bra said...

Hello again deadman - Cowtitty!!!! Oh yes...been there many a time back in my maidenform days. Sorry, but my Chaperons phone numbers are p-r-i-v-a-t-e, silly boy! But I'm glad you are enjoying my blog! :)

Anonymous said...

ha ha ha do NOT have an alcohol problem! You were just bored to death in my office...which is a daily occurance and drives us all to drink way too much!

look at you all classy and hob nobbing with 'Almost Mayors'

Olga, the Traveling Bra said...

I dunno cups just can't their hold liquor like they used to...damn stuff goes right through me! ;)

Speedcat Hollydale said...

Back at the well ... ME TOO!!!

Olga, the Traveling Bra said...

Care for a sip Speedy?

Speedcat Hollydale said...

Sure!!! ...aren't I so fast??? (wink)

CU later 8~)

Olga, the Traveling Bra said...

Yup! They don't call ya Speedy for nuthin'!

MYM said...

Talk the feathers off a chicken? LOL

And I'm up late...not early ;)

Anonymous said...

Then I guess I will drink FOR you

Olga, the Traveling Bra said...

Drowsey - All I gotta say about that is...BRA-wk!!!

Meleah - Sounds like a plan! But be careful...mine are pretty big cups to fill! ;) (But if anyone can, YOU can do it!)

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