Who Ya Calling Cuppycake Gumdrop Snoogums-Boogums?!
My four fantastic male Chaperons, that's who!
Happy Valentines Day Everyone!
Keeping the World Abreast of All My Exciting Globe-Trotting Adventures!
Happy Valentines Day Everyone!
Posted by
Olga, the Traveling Bra
31 Bodacious Comments (so far) ~ Add Yours!:
I'm welling up here Olga ...... and I'm in such illustrious company as well!
Olga you sound SO young...... like a training bra.....
So THAT's how you sound singing. If I would have known, a duet would have been recorded in Hollydale last Summer. Golli !!!
"Cuppie Cake" ..... He heeeee
I heard only the most kind and respectful gentlemen are ever considered for chaperonships. (smile) GREAT lil video. Hello to Renny, Daddy P, Rev, and Speedcat.
Thanks Olga !!!!!!!!!!
Even though you DID USE ME for a TOOLBELT, DaddyP...you are still one of my very favoritest people in the whole wide world! XOXO
Well I AM young Nursey! :)
SpeeeeeeeeedY!!!! Yah...can you believe it?!?...& this cuppie cake's JUST FOR YOU! {{{SMILE}}} XOXO
Wow! I want to stab myself in the ears!!!!!!!
Well....who the hell's stopping you? SWEETHEART?!?!? :) xoxo
I want to put candy corns in my ear ...
AND a jelly belly in my navel
You do?
Can I help?
What a cute Valentines Day surprise, I'm glad to be one of you're guys!
AND caramel in my peanut brittleres
Now THAT'S more like it Renny! BIG SMOOOOOOTCH for you! :)
Hi Renny, we did good in the film, no??
Is that like a wenis?
...your peanut brittleres....
ummnm .... "WHAT??"
he heeeeeeeee
Never mind....I am under the influence of mucho coffeeeeeeeeeeeee & chocolate.......
Yes, that is exactly correct. I am painting myself PURPLE again.
Me too .... GIDDY UP CUPPIE!
Oh GOODIE! And then will you be exploding?
I AM up Speedy! That's the problem! Well, one of 'em, anyway...
So you don't love your female chaperones?
Sniff sniff...
I'm mortally wounded... I have a broken heart and all that... this Valentine's Day has turned out to be rather stinky.
Just wakin' up (I'm a bum, I know...), and what a treat to wake up to!
Happy Valentine's Day to you, as well, my dear!
I'm a star!!!
Fracas - It was only a 43 second song! The next one will be for the girls...cross my heart! XOXO
Indeed you are Rev! Happy Valentines Day! Will you be sharing a little Banana Pudding with The Col?
Hey Cuppycake! I hope that you had a good Valentine's Day! ;)
I did AIR!...but now I have a chocolate hangover. A couple actual....
Double D hangovers???? Oh no!!!
...yes. Not a pretty sight either, I assure you.
Precious! I'm sure your Valentine's are still in awe of this honor you're bestowed upon them!
Happy Belated VDAY
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