OLGA IS SAFE! But maybe not so sound.....
After a long and arduous journey across the pond
on the Fraccy doorstep in Saskatchewan, Canada!
PHEW! ~ what a relief!
Unfortunately, Olga seems to acquired a few nasty habits over in Dear Blighty...so it looks like Fracas will have her hands full! But don't worry -
if anyone can reform a wayward bra...it's Fracas!
Dimitrios, the Famous Greek Bra Detective was so excited about Olga's arrival in Canadialand, he broke out another bottle of Ouzo and rounded up all of Olga's old drawer-mates for a special celeBRAtory Greek DANCE!!!

Click for some dancing music!
And stay tuned for more exciting globetrotting adventures from
Olga, the Traveling Bra!
~Olga's Blog-Mistress
40 Bodacious Comments (so far) ~ Add Yours!:
YEAH !!!!!
Tell ya what... Olga can stay with Fracas.... I'll bring Dimitrios with me on my trip.... anyone who can drink ouzo and dance is gonna have fun with me :)
Woohoo!! Can't wait to see what Olga is up to! and is the ouzo getting to me or is Dimitrious looking hotter and hotter?
Yay! I am so relived Olga is safe and sound!! (this song still kills me)
Off to watch the video!
Damn the music startled me! LOL
Okay, that circle o black bras looks very wica. I'm very open about these things ... just hope she's not getting in over her straps.
MSW - I asked Dimitrios and he said he'd LOVE to come investigate your bras! :)
Chat Blanc - He is definitely looking pretty HOT...I think it's the tights. ;)
Meleah - That song is 'spose to make you wanna DANCE...not die!
Drowsey - It's a traditional Greek "YAY WE FOUND THE BRA" Circle Dance. And I am doing GREAT now that I'm with Fracas!
exxxcellenttttt !!!!!
MSW - Well, Dimitrios is a lucky guy....I wonder if he'll take off his tights in St. Maarten?
If he wants a tan, he may have to take off more than his tights...
But he may be one of those "sun protecting" kinda people, and may want to keep totally covered.
I'm trying to convince the hubs that we need to spend a day at the nude beach on the French side of the Island.... hope Dimitrios is okay with that.. if not, we'll leave him with the bar/pool staff for the day
MSW - He's GREEK for pete's sake! :) They invented "nekkid!"
One more excuse to take me to the nekkid beach :D
Now how to figure out how to protect from nipple burn.... I use super power tanning fluid on the rest of me ..Aussie Gold 5... so zinc oxide on the nipples would be a bit weird.
Opps soory .. too much information
Dimi & Olga... any suggestions ?
Yay Canada!
MSW - There's nothing worse than burnt nipples!....unless, of course, they're a-peeling. (HarHar) ;) Use sunscreen!!!!
mj - DOUBLE YAY!!!!
5 bras!!!! - how many chests have you got?
They were moving so fast in that video they almost looked as though they weren't moving at all - such skill and panache ............
MSW - I think JohnC would recommend a couple of perfectly proportioned pasties!
Drowsey - Now that you mention it, that circle does remind me of a witchy event a while ago.
See what I mean: http://blog.papersurfer.co.uk/blog/_archives/2008/1/5
Olga has offered to chat with me (about her ordeal) in the morning. I've already promised to make sure she has first class passage to her next destination so she's feeling a bit more trusting.
And now that you
Oops. Not sure where that last bit came from. Must have something to do with that url from daddy papersurfer's site. There was something spooky going on there on that day for sure!
It does make me want to dance...but it makes me laugh really hard first!
oh Olga the posse will be so impressed with this post ..... just wait til I get home and show them lol :-)
DaddyP - A girl can never have too many bras...or friends! :)
Fracas - Sorry 'bout the ciggies...I blame Claire. The beer...was mine. DP musta snuck in that bottle of "mystery lotion"...but you know he'll deny it. I'm actually really looking forward to cleaning up my act...with you! :)
Meleah - Laughing & dancing is GREAT exercise...and good for your soul too! GO FOR IT!
70's - Please tell The Posse I am OK!...I've been busy entertaining Fracas's bevy of bodacious bras with stories our Sister-Bras across the pond!
Yay! Mystery solved!
Diva - Yeah....AGAIN!
I think I may have figured you figured you out...
Hey eveyone.. this toon is TOO catchy
EVERYBODY DANCE NOW !!!!! (again & again & again)
Fracas.... I agree on the pasties.... I think I have a pair in my dresserer some here.. gotta go look for 'em & pack 'em just in case
Rev - If you get me figured out...clue me in! I'm feeling a bit scattered these days! ;)
MSW - I agree! I love this song!!! My blog-mistress even put it on her IPod's power-walking playlist! Woo-Hoo!!!
Have fun with your pasties!
( * )( * )
I'm surprised the D-Man had the energy to dance after all that spanikopita.
Hi Meg - Again...I think it's the tights!
I think he wears those energizing compression tights...ya know the kind that provide a little massage and ummm, lift?
I love the slideshow and music! I particularly liked the picture of Olga on the Luxor table....too funny! LOL!
Glad I could tickle your fancy NGIP! :) You crack me up too!
Fraca Will B Fun No Doubt ... I Like Bras. *speedycat*
Olga, I'm trying to get the hang of your blog, but I think I am a bit too sane.
I NEVER thought I would say that!
Sooooooooooo happy Olga is safe landed in Canada and can see it has been a blast so far!
Can't wait to have Olga in Norway and take her to The Hall of The Mountain King to dance with the Trolls :-)
Speedy - I know you do...
Hang in there val...there's hope for you yet!
Renny - Dancing with Trolls has been a LIFELONG DREAM of mine! Woo-Hoooooo!!!!
Olga you have pretty friends.We were waiting for you with bated breath! Let me breathe now! Sigh!
I ate my award ... make more!!
i 8 me "*"
How are u today???
Hi ya SPeedy! I'm hungry!!! I need a corn dog! :)
Val is not sane, trust me, lol.
omg...I just watched the video again. Too funny.
Scratchy - Glad you are breathing easier now! Are you sure your bra isn't too tight? :)
Drowsey - I'll take your word on Val, Drowsey. You would know! LOL!!!
this is one cute picture
THANKS tazeen! (But...which one?!?) :)
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