As the world's first (and only) Traveling Bra,
I realize I probably view the world a bit differently than most...
therefore, while experiencing a little lull in between trips the other night, I surfed the web and just about bust when I saw these incredible, God-given, 100% natural beauties! Here's ample evidence supporting my theory thatMother Nature does indeed have a pretty good sized sense of humor!You just gotta know where to look and take time to see......the beauty that surrounds us.
(click on photos for more details.)
I realize I probably view the world a bit differently than most...
therefore, while experiencing a little lull in between trips the other night, I surfed the web and just about bust when I saw these incredible, God-given, 100% natural beauties! Here's ample evidence supporting my theory thatMother Nature does indeed have a pretty good sized sense of humor!You just gotta know where to look and take time to see......the beauty that surrounds us.
(click on photos for more details.)
3 Bodacious Comments (so far) ~ Add Yours!:
Thank you, Olga! Those are fantastically arousing (I mean, you know, exciting) photographs! Bon Voyage!
Your blog is so funny it made it into my Funny blogs on Squidoo. If you'd like to see it, here's the link:
You are both very kind! Thanks for your support! love, Olga
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