Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Newsflash: Big Busted Women No Longer Have To Go Broke Supporting Themselves

It's about time!
Click on the picture to read the original post

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Olga, Revealed

Christine of Chicken Fried Therapy tagged me a while back
with a meme that challenged me to
"Reveal to the World What I Carry in My Purse! "
And since then this post ha been carted off over to My Blog Overfloweth Page
so click HERE to check out my response!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

REDDING, California - The Sundial Bridge

I recently had the pleasure of embarrassing accompanying a budding young basketball star and his dad to a basketball tournament in Redding, California. In between games, we decided to go check out the famous Sundial Bridge, and despite the "humiliation" of being seen in public with his mother's (former) big ol' bodacious bra, the young man got some quality photos, dont'cha think?

Hmmmm, I wonder what it would take to get me up to the
tippy top of that Sundial?...
The Sundial Bridge is a unique pedestrian bridge that crosses the Sacramento River in the heart of Redding, near the Turtle Bay Exploration Park. The 217-foot pylon acts as the sundial, telling time on a tile covered garden border on the north side of the bridge!

I think I can do it...if I just strrrrretch my straps a little more...
and then kinda sling-shot myself across the river...
The Sundial Bridge was designed by world-renowned architect Santiago Calatrava, who says he thinks it "resembles a bird in flight and symbolizes the overcoming of adversity." Kinda like me in about 10 seconds!...I hope! (If you'd like to see some more cool pictures of this bridge, here's a Virtual Tour!)

Woo-hoo! Success!
Another PEAK EXPERIENCE for Olga, the Traveling Bra!
And for the Bidwell Junior High School
7th Grade Basketball Team!
Who took home the 3rd Place Trophy!!!
Way to go Pioneers!


Thanks to all my bloggy-buddies for your AWESOME support!
Your votes pushed me up to FIRST PLACE!
If ya haven't cast your vote yet & would like do so,
just click on the badge!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

What The Cluck?!?

The Subservient Chicken
Click on the picture and give it a command
~ it will do ALMOST anything you ask!

Monday, January 21, 2008

The Time Is Always Right To Do What Is Right

Happy Birthday Dr. King

(Please click on the photos for more information on and inspiration from
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.)

Saturday, January 19, 2008

I LOVE LUCY and this award!

Please click HERE to read the original post about this Award which now resides in my Big Ol' Bodacious Trophy Room & to see a video of Lucy & Ethel in action!

Friday, January 18, 2008

How 'Bout A Nice Little Push Up?

My blog is in close competition for one of the top three spots in the Best Humor Category for a coveted 2008 Bloggers Choice Award! Many of you have already voted for me (thank you!) - but if you have not yet voted, and you like my blog, please consider doing so! (Um, like now would be good.) You do need to register at the site, but it's so quick and easy, even a training bra could do it! (Plus, this is your big chance to push up a bra...instead of the other way around, ya know?)
Click this button to cast your vote for ME,
Olga, the Traveling Bra!
Double-D THANKS for your support!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

FedEx Delivers - Again!

As the world's first (& only) fully independent, self-supporting Traveling Bra, I have become a bit of an expert in the area of package transportation...and let me tell you that that FedEx is the ONLY way to go! I made it from New Jersey to California with nary a delay or bump in the road, and quicker than you can say my Granny's name; Ima Holdinemfromfloppin!Thanks Cathy! Not only that, but they have the nicest employees! Here I am saying "Thanks for the lift!" to my good-natured Chico delivery gal who not only hand-delivered me to the doorstep of my blog-mistress, but took time out of her busy schedule for this spontaneous photo op with Yours Truly. (I gave her my card, so I hope she sees this!) Yep, fast service - friendly employees - and a sense of humor! That's MY kind of ride!

Anyhoo, I'll be spending the next couple of weeks hanging around Cheek-O and checking out the bars, getting into mischief behaving myself (maybe) before jettin' off to the bee-yoo-tiful island of Maui! Woo-hoo! I'm just dying to thrust my cups into the a little a little hula...and drink a lotta Hawaiian (rum) Punch!
Stay tuned...

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


For Speedy
(My submission for Wordless Chicken Tuesday, on Wednesday)

This Woman Gets MY Support!

For only the second time in history, I am awarding my

This time, to Drowsey Monkey!
Click HERE to read all about it

Monday, January 14, 2008

Playin' In The Band

Double-D thanks to Mimi of Mimi Writes for tagging me with The Band Meme!
It was fun and easy and the results are (in my not-so-humble-opinion)
ROCKIN' Awesome! Click here to go to my Blog Overfloweth Page & see it!

UPDATE: Petra Wellpaddenton RESCUED!

Remember "Petrov", the poor little wayward bra who mysteriously showed up on Daddy Papersurfer's doorstep a while back? Well, all is not as DaddyP led us to believe...the truth be known, it seems the old git had a little something up his kilt sleeve all along...And it took the sleuthful talents of my friend Fracas to reveal the truth behind the DaddyP's kilt sinister plot....which use poor Petra as...a jock strap! (Read ALL about it here!) But rest assured that Petra is now safe and sound - recuperating quite nicely from her horrific ordeal with a warm blanket and hot toddies (as pictured above) under the loving care of her savior, Fracas.
And so, Dear Fracas, on behalf of all decent (and even indecent) bras and undergarments everywhere I would like to thank you for your incredible support and acts of bra-very,
and hereby bestow upon you
Bra-vo Fracas, BRA-vo!

And DaddyP, no hard fact I am making a contribution on your behalf to BOBHS (Bras of Britain Humane Society)
and to NOCAWK (National Organization for the Care
And Well-being of Kiwis.)
You're welcome.
BREAKING NEWS: The latest twist in this already unbelievably twisted story ~ Daddy Papersurfer's Dream seems to have a deeper meaning than anyone ever suspected! And now, Fracas and her International Support Team have banded together to ensure that the poor old git receives proper treatment!
I will keep ya'll abreast as the situation develops.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

I'm Certified: Cool & Crazy!

Click HERE to read the original post about these COOL & CRAZY Awards which are proudly displayed in my Big Ol' Bodacious TROPHY ROOM!!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Drying out in CHICO, California

Post Winter Storm Assessment:
1 Tree, 1 Swingset = $600
1 Pergola = $800 15 candles = $45
16 AA Batteries = $20 5 Fast Food meals = $140
3 Meals BBQ'd = $50
by this guy wearing a fashionable headlamp = $20
Waking up to blue sky, sunshine and ELECTRICITY = priceless!!!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Blogging by Candlelight

How come I haven't been blogging and WHY IS IT SO DARK?!? Because of a nasty winter storm, with wind gusts of up to 163 mph, that slammed into California early Friday morning...knocking down trees and electrical power to much of the state...including my old hometown, Chico, where my trusty blog-mistress lives! The poor thing has been without electricity (or an internet connection!) ever since...and she just found out that power may not be restored for another 3 to 5 DAYS! ACK!!! Though she assures me that she and her family are safe and their basic needs are being met...I do worry about her mental state...she is already exhibiting early signs of "blog withdrawl"...actually trying to post to my blog via candlelight! I hope she's careful...candles can be dangerous.....

Will return as soon as possible!


~Olga, the Traveling Bra

Thursday, January 3, 2008

A Desperate Cry for Help!

This little fellow must have taken a wrong turn somewhere during the night, and ended up on Daddy Papersurfer's doorstep this morning. His name is Petrov Wellpaddedton and he appears to be an orphan. He doesn't speak English and poor DaddyP doesn't know what to do with him...and has asked for my advice! I've offered DaddyP what support I can from half-way 'round the world, and am now calling on reinforcements...that's YOU, dear readers...does anyone out there recognize Petrov (34C), or have any helpful suggestions for DaddyP regarding what to do with him?
If so, please post them in the comments and I will pass them along. Or, surf on over to Daddy Papersurfer's blog...I'm sure they'll BOTH appreciate your concern!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Woo-Hoo! It's 2008!

OK, this is the "G" rated version of my ROCKING New Jersey Chaperon's cake ~ you may use your imagination (or, at your own risk, click on the cake) for a depiction of the original "adult" version!

Ringin' in the New Year in New Jersey!

After my little "drinking binge" "sightseeing excursion" at her Office the other day, I promised my ROCKING New Years Eve Chaperon that I wouldn't wander off and get drunk make trouble get lost while we were celebrating New Years Eve at her Best Friend's house.

As you can see, I was behaving myself quite nicely...just hanging out by the festive, roaring fire.

And at dinner, I think I presented myself
in a very dignified fashion.
Yes, everything was going along just swell...

They broke out the f'ing dessert!

Sorry, but I just SNAPPED!...and my will-power
flew right out the f'ing window!!

Next thing I know, I'm all snuggled up to a big ol' good lookin'
bottle of champagne!

And hittin' on helping out the Chef!

When, all of a sudden...

Crap! The Best Friend found me!
(Is it just me, or do I seem to be getting BIGGER?!?!)

So she stuck me on My Chaperon for safe-keeping.

Even so, I managed to wriggle free (they don't call me a Traveling Bra for nuthin!)...and was headin' upstairs, when...Crap! The BF found me AGAIN!

This time she stuck me on her MAN!
NICE GUY, but didn't have a clue what to do with
one so bodacious as moi,
so, back over to the kitchen I scampered...

...and was delighted to see that my bottle was still half full!
But - oh crrrap!!'s The Best Friend!...
"OK, OK! Put the knife down! I'll cooperate!"

Oh THESE two are gonna keep track of me!

DOUBLE CRAP!! (Don't you know I have a fear of dogs?!)
Where's My Chaperon?!?

Finally, fed up with all my shenanigans - My Chaperon sat me down, gave me a good yank and...BINGO!
Instant attitute adjustment!

And we all ended up having the BESTEST, HAPPIEST


Happy New Year Meleah and Jennifer and everyone!
~Olga, the they don't call me Traveling-for-nuthin' Bra!