Seein' The Light With The Reverend
Having spent just a few days longer than I woulda liked
crammed into yet another dark FedEx envelope wasn't exactly hell on earth,
but then again,
I was starting to wonder if maybe my wicked ways
Thank God The Rev showed up when he did and set me FREE!
offered me his own special brand of communion ~ Whiskey 'n Water!
Soon I found myself confessing all my sins chattin' it up with
The Rev's Famous Avocado Tree

Then I said my prayers (I'm prayin' fo' some BBQ!)
before passing out on the lampshade falling asleep!
Stay tuned fo' mo'!
Fo' sho'!
16 Bodacious Comments (so far) ~ Add Yours!:
Hey now!
Got another whiskey & water with your name on it sittin' right here! Just got out of class, but we're getting the Reverend clan together for an outing Olga's not soon to forget!
(The avocado tree loves the company!)
Thanks! I was thirsty! :) (And I am all a twitter!)
Ahhhh vocadoh
What makes you grow in a house now ...
You're gonna be guacamole ... before too long.
Oh you're a green one !
You know that you're out of season ...
You'd better let somebody eat you ...
Let somebody eat you !!!!!
Ya better let somebody eat yoo ooo ooooooooo
Before it's toooo late
And have a whiskey drink, and a bra to link, cause Olga's comin` to town!
Hanging on the lampshade seems to be one of your favorite sleeping quarters. Maybe tomorrow night the good Rev will let you have a pillow and garment bag ???
I think the lampshade makes Olga look sexy.
Took me a minute....but I love it Speedy!
Nice you didn't show up smelling of sex and beer, like you did when you visited me! LOL
That's 'cuz Diva gave me a
B-A-T-H! Something your poor dollys are still praying for! ;)
Wha? Sex & beer? Hmmm...perhaps I need to alter our plans for Olga's visit a tad....
I'm concerned that Olga and the Rev's avocado tree are too near the fire - health and safety, health and safety!
OSHA's been by and hath verily approved, good sir.
Health & Safety?!? THIS coming from the man who used me as a toolb belt, rubble carrier, and allowed a llama to seduce me?!? AHAHAHAHA!!!
I think I can handle a little heat. ;)
'Morning Rev! What we doin' today?!? XOXO
Is this going to lead to a CNN breaking story involving clergy and lingerie? I just want to make sure I have the news feed set up if it is.
Like I said Lee.....stay tuned! Stranger things HAVE happened!...TO ME! HAHA!
All I can say is ....... look at my bottom. *grumph*
Do I really HAVE to GT?
"(I'm prayin' fo' some BBQ!)"
Well looks like your prayers came true!
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