Olga Steers the Bark Lingård & Clear of Polar Bears!
Phew! I've been one very busy bra lately!
After I'd been up all night long posting pictures of Smooshed Boobies,
my energetic Norwegian Chaperon Renny woke me up early saying,
"Come on Olga! Let's go see the Oslo Maritime Museum!"
To which I mumbled something like, "dreaming...can't...wake...up..."
"Woo-hoo!!! LET'S GO!!!"
(Maybe I'll meet some sailors!)
There was a lot to see at the Oslo Martime Museum...
including the inside of some grand old ships...
(But so far, no sailors...)

What's cookin' Renny?
(Hmmm, no sailors in the galley either!)

(I wonder if the sailors sleep here?!)
YIKES! Polar bears at the Oslo Maritime Museum, but NO SAILORS?!?
Eventually, my little "sailor obsesseion" wore poor Renny down
so we took a break to reflect upon Fram, Gjøa and Maud - three old ships with very interesting histories (and probably really cute sailors!) which Renny can tell a hundred times better than me, so please click HERE to visit Renny's fantastic blog!
(And I'm still hoping to get a glimpse of a sailor...)
24 Bodacious Comments (so far) ~ Add Yours!:
Aw, bless his heart, look at Renny there, lying on the floor in a pose with an anthropomorphic bra... What a fine sport he is.
Olga, you do all inspire us!
Did you spot a yacht that might suit me? ....... just asking .....
Jenn - OK, I had to google anthropomorphic...PHEW! Glad it doesn't mean crazy & obnoxious! :)
Daddy P - Yes - there was a little cardboard boat that would have suited you perfectly!!!
WtG Renny
Great photos of you and Renny.. you sure are having a great time over there (think back on this Olga as there are no boulder holders/strenuous work or dough nut catapults... Renny is treating you as you should be).. how are your straps holding up btw?
Renny totally rocks! These photos are fantastic!!
70's - No kidding! Renny treats me better than my BLOG-MISTRESS!
Drowsey - Steering the ship is what ROCKED! (But Renny does too!)
Yooooo Hoooo!!!!!!!!!
Were you Renny's first mate?
Apparently Renny is a bit old-fashioned he still likes to see a bra in the galley. Well, at least he let you steer the ship.
Olga; I've been boating and visited museums plenty of times, but you take it all to a new thrilled dimension of excitements. Never have I felt so much comfort in holding on to straps as when fooling around among ships and steers like this!
I'm sorry we did not met that many sailors, and very few museum visitors that morning, but remember it was Sunday and I was hoping you would be happy just by showing off with a Gentleman of a Viking like me ;-)
Btw: I'm glad you helped us cooking the seafood dinner afterwords and enjoyed gathering around the table with us :lol:
(Geeezz...Speedy & Nurse Amanda are just plain CrAzY! I wonder what there were chasing each other around the bloggysphere about last night?)
Awake - Well, not ALL bras can cook AND handle a ship...just me! :)
Renny!!! Your ARE my Gentleman of a Viking! I just wanted to see a sailor...to round out my Norwegian cultural experience, ya know? ;)
Wow! Renny sure is showing you a good time!
I just have to say it again...
Renny Rocks!
thank bloody god this world has so many people willing to be goofy with a bra (including yours truly lol).
I can see, thanks to Renny, that a bra could be very useful for emergencies on a ship, or a boat, or as a catapult of ice rocks to keep the polar bears away (stuffed one's don't count).
Wow you are getting the royal and grand treatment with Renny.
I will also drop over there in a few,
But, fist I must redeem myself and go see all of the smooshed boobies!!
Then will you love me again?
WHAT? Shinade, I love you NOW!!! :)
Jafabrit - Now don't be giving Renny any ideas! I'm enjoying the Royal treatment here!
Teena & Fracas - YES!! RENNY ROCKS!!
Olga, have you put on a little weight?
Jeanna - Er, I don't think so....WHY?!?!?!!!!
YES! Whooo hoooo! Classic Olga adventure!
THE HOMELAND! I'm rather jealous of you Olga, given that I have mostly Viking blood in me. Looks like you're having fun!
Meleah - I'm a Classic? Woo-Hoo!
Hi DD! Ja! Jeg elsker å være en Viking Bra!
You are very clever!
Oh, you're still hanging out with Renny! No wonder--he's such a great host, probably plying you with all sorts of food and wine and?
Captain Renny looks like a Old Salt supporting your Bra! ;~))
Thank you for your Twitter update! ;~)
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