All We Are Saying...Is Give Peas a Chance!
An Ode To Sugar Snap Peas

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which has been moved to My Blog Overfloweth Page!
Keeping the World Abreast of All My Exciting Globe-Trotting Adventures!
Posted by
Olga, the Traveling Bra
29 Bodacious Comments (so far) ~ Add Yours!:
Your talent knows no bounds!!!LOL!
I'm eating SSPs as I read this.
I am SO PROUD of you, Drowsey! YOU are my FIRST convert too!
*wipes tear away*
Now let's see your poem! :)
OMG you've got talent ! It took me a good night's sleep to come up with my poem.
I don't know what else this bra is capable of !
Your poem is so cheery ! I am rhyming it and eating SSPs as I am typing this ! :-D
Sugar sugar! ... do doo do dooooo do doooo
You are my FAVORITE PEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and I can't stop crunch-a-ing YOUUUUU
Suga snappa peeeeeeeeez!!!!
do doooooo da do dooo
Suga snap, suga snap, ohhhhh suga suga suga Shoooooga SNAP!
that was just a preview
I am "in" and back out right now, but will return laytah tonight.
C U @ the Big MEME barn in a coupla hours Cuppy.
suga snap
Thanks Jaffer - But YOU are the one with talent! Who knows, with Smooshed Boobies Project & Your Sugar Snap Peas Meme...maybe we really WILL CHANGE THE WORLD!
Speeeeeeeeeedy - SNAP! That song is perfect! LOL!
Where IS the Meme Barn? Next to The Clinic? I hear that cRaZy Nurse has been working a lot of overtime there!
The Meme Barn is a Rockin
Don't come a taggin
ha haaa!!!!!
I just saw you running by :-)
Yoooo Hooooo
My memiola will be done soon, REAL soon. (((smile)))
Daddy Pea Pea bent down to see what lay beneath the table,
His back went 'snap' and now he isn't able
To get back upon his feet although it isn't far,
He's stuck there now until he is rescued by a bra.
Sugar Snap Peas in your cup. Looks like you've filled them up. Sweet poem you've wrote in a snap of time. Look my goodness oh how you've rhymed. A Pea with protein, and fiber to boot. Even good for grandpa, God bless the old coot. A job well done, yes I should say. Me thinks it's time to call it a day. ;o)
I changed it a little:
Grab your [use imagination here] and try your hand in composing a sonnet or a quatrain or an ode or a ghazal or even a haiku describing your experiences.
It worked pretty well for me, but I can't say more.
HM - It worked pretty well, eh? Well...THAT'S good news! ;)
Awake - Very Snappy Poem woman! :)
Daddy Pea Pea - Hang on...I'll help you back up as soon as I finish my bag of Sugar Snap Peas!
Hey Speedy - Yes, that was me...I was on my way out to the store for Peas!
Sugar snap,
the more you eat,
the more you CRAP!
Very nice Claire.
.....ya butthead!
Oh My God!
You rocked this!
I miss Sugar Snap Peas!
First you want me to squish boobies and now you want me to fondle peas.
I never know what I'm gonna find when I come over here.
You are a trip.
I will have to "cyber-feel" the peas before I make up a poem.
Oh Lord. What did I just say?
Thanks Meleah....are you gonna write comething 'bout SSP?
Mimi! - Yes, it's true...ya just never know what's gonna happen next in the exciting life of Olag, the Traveling Bra! I like it that way! :)
That's OLGA, the Traveling Bra, of course. ;)
My oh my oh my !
I do declayuh!
Pen & pad shall be in hand this eve, as I compose my ode!
If I can ever get some free time from work, that is...(slight sneer)
I shall also eat many a pea this eve, in your honor, of course, my fair lady (er, brassiere)!
Ha! This is funny. But no poems from me.
ps ..... I was sneaky and did a quick post at my main blog too, so everyone with a feed will get the "PEAS".
he heeee ((((smile)))
mmmm must 'fess to prefer mange tout
Mange tout, mange tout
yes it is all about you
[that is all I can muster at this late hour lol ]
Not a big fan of peas but so happy you adore them!
YAY REV! I know how much enjoy writing a little ditty!
:( Lauren
Speedy - I HEART YOU!!! And the Pea Pea Dance!
70's - WHAT on earth are you talking about? LOL!
Teena - Thanks! But have you TRIED Sugar Snap Peas? Hmmmmm????
Sorry I was torturing you on Twitter. I couldn't resist. I LOVE snap peas. Raw. No dip. They're amazing, and I could eat them all day too! But the image of your arm in a Captain Crunch box is pretty hilarious. I'm easily amused. dip...all day long! That's how I like 'em too Kellypea!
IS THAT why you're named Kelly-PEA?
"Thanks Meleah....are you gonna write comething 'bout SSP?
Probably NOT. Since I cant eat them it might make me too depressed. Yanno?
Olga I have no idea lol :-)
Oh yah, babe. Peas, peas, peas.
That's OK 70's! Love ya anyway!LOL!
Diva - That's a typo. Should be-
I go Zooooom out of da Rooooom!
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