Watermelon Man, Part II
So Daddy Papersurfer has
generously offered himself up as a screen saver.
And I must admit I miss Ol' Git...so of course, I took him up on his offer!
He says he's "keeping an eye on things"...but I say it looks like he's been eyeing too many watermelons!

and see the original masterpiece!
7 Bodacious Comments (so far) ~ Add Yours!:
There are some screens that are a pure pleasure to save ........ I have very fond memories of rubble and wenches ....... I mean wrenches .....
Well, I have some pretty fond mammaries too DP...& thanks for saving my screen!
I'm so freaking confused. Big surprise I know, but isn't Olga in Canada now?
Yes I am in Canada...but DaddyP is on my screen saver! Get it now? ;)
..... which provides me with an inside view BTW - NO NAKED BLOGGING!
thats too cute. I like him as the screen saver
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