You Show Me Yours.....
Believe it or not - I usually don't go around revealing my private stuff to just anyone, OK? But, my favorite Redneck, Crusty (aka: "Robert") of From the Roads requested that I "show him my desktop." Now, perhaps Crusty was speaking euphemistically...ya never can tell, he's so poetic 'n all...but since he's been feeling a little droopy lately, I decided to go ahead and do it! Anything to perk a friend up! But you'll have to click on this pack of gum to see it...
My Next Post: It's Tea Time in England!

14 Bodacious Comments (so far) ~ Add Yours!:
Are you a front loader? ...... just asking for a friend you understand ....... and do you do a cool wash for delicates?
Woooo!!! I got it!
DaddyP - Please tell "your friend" YES...but I prefer a gentle handwashing in warm water with lots and lots of BUBBLES! :) And air dryers cause pre-mature aging and saggy cups. Sound familiar? xoxo
Then SHOW IT TO ME Diva! :)
I cant show you mine, its to rude!
Whats this about tea time in England? hmmmmmm.
Claire...since when has RUDE stopped you???? As for tea time?...all shall be revealed...eventually.
where can I get that gum?
I dunno Meleah! (I found it online...) ;)
Okay, I did it! What do you think of my weird desktop? Yes, I'm bizarre.
Am I tagged with a peice of gum??
... OK, I gotta see what's behind the wrapper. Hi Olga!!! :-)
I LOVE it RC - And you're no more bizarre than anyone else around here!
Speaking of which....HI SPEEDY! Silly boy! Yeah, ya gotta unwrap it to get to the good stuff!
Yes, how odd of you to expose yourself like that ;)
Nice blog...!!
I really want that gum...what an awesome package
Drowsey - "Odd" doesn't begin to cover it! Or me! ;)
Thanks nikita! Please come back again!
Meleah - I found this picture on the internet...if I could, I would share a pack with you! :)
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