Woo-hoo!!! Today marks the
1st Anniversary of my blog! It's hard to believe that
365 days and
185 blog posts ago, I didn't even know what a BLOG was! So, pardon me for puffing out my chest a bit
(more than usual) today, 'cuz as you can see by my blog stats, things are definitely on the up swing and I'm looking
When I first set forth on my pioneering journey, my goal was simply to travel around from friend to friend and record my adventures here on my blog. Little did I know that I'd end up meeting so many NICE people both in person and online! Nor did I ever imagine that I'd end up visiting
32 cities,
16 states,
4 countries, and logging more than
43,000 miles in one short year! It has all surpassed my wildest dreams, and
that's saying a lot!

So, to all my friends, old and new, far and wide...I raise my cups and toast to YOU ~
Here's to the next 365 days and THANK YOU for your support! If you have a blog,
PLEASE accept/post this badge I have created as a
Token of my Appreciation. If you don't have a blog, well, why not?!? You should try it - it's tons of fun! And ya never know where it might lead you! Take it from me, Olga, the Traveling Bra!
And, for a stroll down mammary lane, how about checking out some of my exciting globetrotting adventures from this past year?...they are all listed in
My Amazing Journey ~ (so far) located at the top of my side bar...or read my
Amazing & 100% True Story which details how it
ALL began! Thanks again everyone! Ta-Ta!! (for now!)
PS: My pal
Diary of a 70's Teen is also celebrating her 1st blog-iversary - be sure to drop by and wish her well!
56 Bodacious Comments (so far) ~ Add Yours!:
MANY HAPPY RETURNS you delightful little flimsy!!!!
I have arranged a massage for you over at my place - enjoy.
Big hugs and kisses [but don't tell the TG] XXX
Mazel Tov!
happy Blog-iversary BlogTwin .... it is amazing how fast 12 months goes by ... but my oh my it has been fun.
Raising my cups to say cheers me dear .... and 'keep on blogging on'
:-) xxxx
Happely Birthely Olga! Oh, you twins are only 3 weeks older than me :-)
Congrats! I would love to see some kind of a party somewhere!
All the breast
Happy blogging birthday! May you have many more.... :-)
Congratulations Olga!!
Here's to another bodacious 365.25 days !!!
Ooooh DaddyP! THANK YOU!!! I looooove massages! I'll be over in a flash! :)
Sunny People - THANKS very much!!!! :)
70's - Woo-Hoo!! What a year it's been for both of us! CHEERS to the next 365 days! :)
Linky Love - Well then, we'll have to celebrate AGAIN in 3 weeks! YAY!!!!
Thanks Kevin! I REALLY appreciate your and FuelMyBlog's Support this past year...it's been awesome!
A Party? Where? @ 70's? DaddyP's???? Lord Likely's?!?!
Thank very MUCH Diane! :)
MSW - THANK YOU!!! I'm heading your way this summer ya know! ;)
oh Olga I have just returned to my blog this week. And I am so glad that I didn't miss this opportunity to say-Happy Birthday and Congratulations!!
Without a doubt you had a grand idea for a blog. And you are the one that lifts all of us up. You are just so darn cleaver and funny!!
Can't wait for the next year!!:-)
AWESOME! Congrats on your success and cheers to many more to come!
The very first time I found this blog, I knew it was something special. As one of my favorite reads, I have loved watching Olga's travels, and seeing this page evolve and grow into what it is today.
One of my favorite aspects of blogging has been the interaction and communications between all of the super people I have met online. I can't tell you how many times I have stopped in here and had a laugh that just would not quit ... chickens, loin cloths, tags, awards, I could go on and on.
Thanks for all of the incredible posts, and most of all - thanks for letting us all ride along on Olga's journey across the countryside.
Congratulations!! Here's to another year of "traveling bra" adventure. Woo Hooo :)
We love ya` Olga!!!!!!!
A hearty congratulations, accompanied by a thunderous one-Reverend standing ovation, to you! Keep it coming!
Glad we ran into each other!
-The Rev.
I am so happy that you have gained so much SUPPORT over the year from all of us BOOBS in the blogging world. We love you, even when, or maybe especially when, you are in your cups.
May you have plentiful fun for many years to come. And may you not lose your elasticity.
Much love from Moi and That Guy and Mao and The Un-Named Bird.
Amazing that you've only been out here for a year. Congrats on your success.
Hi Shinade! Nice to see you again - thanks for the kind words...you are always so sweet! :)
Thanks Diva! You are on my list for this coming year ya know!!! Weeeeeeee!!!! Lookout Dollyworld!
Awwwww, shucks Speedy - I love you too! And I've had a BLAST getting to know you this past year! Bra-wk!!! :) Now, how about a nice jelly donut? Or two...
I'm glad we ran into each other too Rev! :) And I still have my eye out for that Dollar Store choo-choo train for you...
OMyLisa & family - Yours was one of the 1st blogs I ever read...and I've been hooked ever since! I'm so glad we've connected. Mmmmmm-wah!
HM - It is amazing isn't it!?! THANKS for being such a loyal supporter! Even though I know you don't really care for bras.... ;)
Having returned from a long journey myself, I don't know how you do it, you Great Boobalilcious One! You far surpass any of us other blog trotters with your amazing uplifting adventures! Congratulations on being one of the funniest, most amazing blogs in the world!!!! You're da best!
Congratulations on your blog-iversary!! Thanks for the badge, You have my full support over at my blog. :) Here's to many more years and travels. If you ever want to visit the California Redwoods, let me know!!
Congrats, Olga and may your cups runneth over for many years to come.
congrats on 1 year of blogging!!
love the travelling bra sent to Eric...that was an absolute hoot!!
Aloha Kuanyin! So nice to hear from you...I have missed you! You are also one of the 1st bloggers I ever connected with! :) Cheers to continued good health & friendship!
Michele - Ooooh...I LOVE the Redwoods! I might just have to take you up on your offer someday! :) Thanks for your support &...I just love your avatar!
Hi CMK - I am planning on visiting you someday too! But your avatar kinda scares me.....good thing I know you are really a big pussycat!
I just found out Olga... congrats! I've raised my CUP(s) in a lovely toast to both you and 70steen. May you find the second year to be as full of support as the first!
Thanks Darlene...that was/is MEEEE!
Fracas my DEAR!!! Thank YOU! YOU have been one of my biggest (& I mean that in a good way) supporters from the get-go! I will always cherish my Boobie Pillow and fun we had with Petra! (She say's "hi" by the way.) :)
This is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO fantastic! I'm so glad you decided to start blogging and I'm glad I decided to stalk you way back when! :D
Okay, {hugs} Yes, I'll even hug ya :)
congrats and may your cups be full and bouncy....:))))
Love your blog! Congrats on the year! We all need friends that support us!
I heart this blog, and I showed up to heart it at just the right time. Holding you and your blog close... hey, can we be bosom buddies? :-D
Woo-Hoo!!!...I gotta hug from Drowsey! - I gotta hug from Drowsey! - I gotta hug from Drowwwwsey! And it only took a FRICKEN YEAR!!!! :)
(tee-hee!) Thanks pal! I LOVE YA!
Thank you Crusty...they are and always will be! :)
Thank you Michelle! Support is a beautiful thing! :)
HECK YES SUE!!! I'm thrilled to be your bosom buddy! :) We have a lot in common! And I'm looking forward to hanging around with ya somemore this year!
Happy blog day, Olga.
Done and done. Happy Blog-iversary little one.
Thank you Clark!
And Thank YOU Jeanna! :)
Ewwwwwww....GF....I wish mine had climbed as high. I do so envy you clever, witty and absolutely fantasticlly fun bloggers.
I simply lack the ability for a natural snese of humor. I am always so blasted serious!!
Oh well, I'll blame it on being an Aqaurian...we the idealists and all that garbage.
:D It was worth a hug :D
lol @ robert's comment. Bouncy...lol
Shinade - It takes all sorts to make the world go round...I think you're pretty sweet just the way you are! :)
Hi Drowsey - Hug-hug-hug-hug!!!! :) Bounce-bounce-bounce bounce!!!
If I could, I'd squeeze your cups in excitement! Since I can't, I'll squeeze my own...I know!
LOL! I'm glad you are able to get a litle thrill out of my blog-iversary too Mushy! :)
Holy Crap! One Year!
I *heart* this Blogging Bra
You are my FAVORITE World’s First And Most Original Traveling Garment
Awwwww Meleah....I *HEART* YOU TOO!
I will never forget ringing in the New Year with you! Cheers!!!!
I have absolutely loved meeting you and reading about your adventures, here is too many,many,many more!
and at least one with BLOODY ME!
You are the BEST BRA EVER!!! And I really don't like bras.
YES Claire I am coming to visit you...but please, no blood!!! I faint at the sight of it!
THANKS RC! You're the breast! :)
Oh, silly me! I meant BEST! ;)
So i should cancel the tour of the abbatoir?
Ahem...you ARE joking, right, Claire?...heh-heh....
Congratulations on your 1st Blogoversary!
Way to go, Olga! :)
(Waving from Chicago)
What a stunning year it must have been.
Happy Blogday!!!
I never read your whole story so off to do that now.....
Of course I was...................................
Happy Blog Day!!!!
You rock - but you already knew this...so let me just say that a visit to your blog always puts a smile on my face!
Congrats to you and your blog mistress!! ;)
congrats olga. when i grow up, i can hope to only be as big as you are. it's been fun watching your travels and viewing the pics. Keep it up! Literally. :)
Thanks Mrs and Natural! :) I'm glad my travels perk you up!
CMK is harmless. She is a very sweet lady. Dont be scared of her avatar! :)
Oh I know that Meleah...CMK & I have chatted and someday she's gonna take me to Lake Superior to see some wildlife! (The 4 legged type!) ;)
Rather belated, but no less fervent, congratulations on your anniversary, m'dear!
Here is to another year of your wondrous globes-trotting adventures!
Thanks Lord Likely! Your ferventness is always appreciated!
happy anniversary! I envy you so much... get to travel a lot and meet the craziest people on earth... and most of all... those bra are make for walking already hahaha
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